07 Jun Bensam CEO speaks on “early” renewal of certificates
On the 4th June, 2012 the CEO of Bensam Auto Service Ltd in his quest to educate the general public and vehicle owners about the renewal of Road Worthy Inspections and Certificates suggested that, vehicle owners do not need to wait for their road worthy certificates to expire completely before making provision to renew them.
It has been agreed by DVLA that one could renew their Road Worthy Inspections and Certificate 2 weeks prior to its expiration date. He further stressed that vehicle owners will subsequently have the number of days left on their certificates added on to their renewed documents and stickers.
He believes this will help eliminate the incidents of police stopping vehicle owners who will be taking their vehicles for road worthy inspections and renewal of certificate.
Reference: Oman FM News at 8am on the 4th June 2012.