
Vehicle Road Worthiness

One stop convenience centre

With customer convenience our primary objective, Bensam has developed various ancillary services for it’s centres. Customers can have their vehicles inspected, their road worthy renewed, have their cars evaluated or sign up for insurance all at our centres. We believe this will help make the concept of “one stop convenience centre” a reality, and give our customers autonomy over preferences and choice.

We appreciate that time is very crucial for the development of any economy, consequently we feel obliged to contribute to the effective use of time. We therefore endeavour to promote quick, effective and efficient, services whereby our customers will have the opportunity to subscribe to other related services.

Our excellent customer service personnel are available to guide you through all your enquires and the use of our facility. We also boast of a world-class communication centre on our premises, that will offer qualitative services to customers. We hope to subscribe to many of the DVLA’s facilities in the near future, to enable our customers subscribe eventually.

Expert advice for your center

Bensam is also committed to the transfer of its expertise and know-how to any inspection centres in Ghana and the Africa sub-region. Our centres can confidently boast of experienced personnel who are skilled in diverse ways and readily available to collaborate with any business. We also serve as consultants in providing expert advice to inspection centres and garages in Ghana and the Africa sub-region.

Bensam is poised to provide quick, efficient and effective customer services to our patrons and other inspection centres who will need our input in any aspect off their daily roles and responsibilities. The passion and total commitment we apply in our job deliberation has earned us a good reputation for being efficient and effective in our responsibilities.

To find out about how our experts can help your business, send us an email to and we will get in touch with you to schedule a discussion.

Drive into one of our centers for an inspection today

We follow strict DVLA criteria to determine if your vehicle is roadworthy